
Employee Training and Development(6版)推廌強打 博客來

1.Updated each chapter to include most recent research findings and new best practices and new examples and expanded coverage of such topics as informal learning, business-embedded training functions, knowledge management, uses of social media in training and much more have been added to each chapter.

2.New chapter opening vignettes. For example, the opening vignette for Chapter 8 'Technology-based Training Methods' highlights how Farmers Insurance is using a blended learning approach including a face-to-face instruction, online learning, social networks, and i-pads equipped with apps to deliver effective learning to its multigenerational and geographically dispended workforce.

3.Restructured Table of Contents:
?Ch 5 is fully devoted to program design to insure students have a better understanding of program design and leave the course with skills needed to design a course or program.
博客來網路書局 ?Ch 9 covers employee development and career management including an expanded discussion of succession planning and onboarding.
?Ch10 contains new and previous content covered in Ch10, 11, and 12 from the previous edition. The core of this chapter is training and erudition in helping companies become socially responsible through legal training and development practices, training partnerships designed to improve the skills and enhance employment opportunities for the local labor force. Also, to help employees grow and develop through managing diversity, inclusion, and deal with career challenges.

4.Devotes an entire chapter to the use of technologies in training, including online learning, social media, mobile learning, table computer and virtual worlds. This reflects the profound way that technology has influenced training practice.

5.Strategic training is discussed early in the text. Successful training efforts relate to business goals and strategy. This is a particularly important for students with a non-business background (such as psychology and education majors) who go on to become trainers. They need to understand the strategic perspective and how it relates to the organization of the training function and the type of training conducted.
博客來網路書店 6.Pedagogically sound and current, with chapter openers, objectives, key terms, additional discussion questions, and assignments including web-based exercis博客來es. Timely examples of real company practices make Employee Training and Development the most current text on the market.

  • 出版社:華泰文化    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2013/12/11
  • 語言:英文










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Employee Training and Development(6版)推廌強打

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