Interpersonal Skills in Organizations(5版)好康每日
New Features:
1. Greater emphasis on the impact of technology and globalization on our lives and interpersonal connections, including more material on virtual communication and social networking.
2. Updated coverage of current issues and company examples throughout, such as global mindset and generational diversity (Chapter 5); negotiating virtually, dealing with defensiveness, and negotiating in a family business (Chapter 9); and difficult conversations and how to deal with an abusive boss (Chapter 11).
博客來3. New! Discussion questions at the end of each chapter.
博客來網路書店Retained Features:
1. Each chapter begins with a mini-case study or series of vignettes to bring to life the skills as they are experienced in real-life personal or business situations.
2. Each chapter contains numerous experiential activities (e.g., role plays, small group discussions, decision-making challenges) to engage the reader immediately in practicing the skills independently or in class.
3. Each chapter presents sufficient conceptual information about the skills to provide the reader with an overview of the theory and research on which the skills are based without overwhelming the student.博客來書店
4. Each chapter includes implications of the skills for self-awareness, working with others, working with teams, and working in the context of organizations.
- 新功能介紹 作者: Suzanne C. de Janasz, Karen O. Dowd, Beth Zuech Schneider
- 出版社:華泰文化 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2016/01/13
- 語言:英文
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可以沒脾氣,不能沒骨氣 | 人生的必修課 | ||
自己的路自己決定-一些關於成長的小故事 | 相信自己:打造景氣人生的43個錦囊 |
Interpersonal Skills in Organizations(5版)好康每日

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